Sunday, August 24, 2008

Can't believe it's been a month

It doesn't SEEM like it's been that long since I blogged! Time flies once school starts, doesn't it?

I have gotten addicted to this little word game called Multipopword. Find it HERE.

I'm not too bad at it, but not as good as some. It's fun and easy, though. I love word games.

I just spend the weekend at A Scrappin' Friendsy cropping. All night Friday night and all day Saturday. WHew. I am so tired and my head is hurting. Not sure if it hurts from being tired or if it is a sinus thing. The bad weather from Hurricane Fay is coming in and the barometric pressure could be causing the headache, I guess.

I did eight pages, though, and really enjoyed visiting with all the ladies there.

Funky Playground Designs has been having a digital designer contest and some of the entries have just been awesome. I have downloaded almost every one! LOL Here is the link to the gallery where you can still pick up some really nice collab kits:

Funky Playground Designs

You have to sign up for the site, of course.

We have a new DARE up at A Scrappin Friendsy, too. It is from Amy and will be posted on the blog this afternoon. Here it is:

"Statistics- a collection of quantitative data." This challenge is all about numbers! Think for a minute of all the numbers we keep track of: our kid's height/weight, our own weight (HA!), gas prices, grocery prices, car mileage, kid's clothing/shoe sizes, etc.

You might find this a good time to compare something. Then/Now, Before/ much a baby weighed when born & how much he weighs now. Or if you're like me...with a BUNCH of a LO about how much each child weighed at birth (cool to see the similarities/differences). If you're doing Weight Watcher's(or any kind of diet) a before/after LO. How old were you parents when they first had kids/how old were YOU when your first child was born. Compare prices of everyday items (gas, milk, a home) now & the year you were born.

Maybe you just want to document the 'stuff' in your life. How about the cost of school supplies this fall- with an itemized list. Maybe your grocery bill for the week. How many song files in your digital library. How many photos do you take each month. How many minutes do you use on your cell phone in a month. How many miles you drive each day. How many DVDs in your collection.

You get the idea. Think of the numbers in your life & let your creativity flow..................Have fun!

I love this idea and can't wait to do it. And I have a deal for my blog readers (however few those may be). If you decide to take Amy's challenge, but you're not an ASF member (shame on you) reply here and post a link to your page. I will pick a winner and send you a really nice package of embellishments including some vintage papers....truly a one-of-a-kind treat! The ASF member who wins will get their treat from the store!

On a much more serious note, we got our Algebra state test results back and they weren't so good. The state has increased the minimum score required to pass, and apparently increased it A LOT! More than most of us anticipated, that's for sure. This year we will be getting VErY SErioUs with dealing with these changes (although we were already very serious about what we teach and how we teach it). We've got to make some decisions here very soon about remediation efforts and preventive measures. Should keep me busy and stressed. Oh Joy!

I am going to scan and upload my pages here in a little while. Maybe I'll update this post. But for now, I'm off to get more coffee. I need it.

1 comment:

mommysews said...

I still love the bolg - even if you haven't written on it for a month. It is neat taht you put Amy's challenge there.
And WOW - 8 pages! that is great! You were one hot corpper!